Official Site of the Ann Arbor Pioneer Class of 1980 30th Reunion

Reunion Contacts

George Helmke
Eric Jensen
Kathryn Rouse Masinick

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Reunion registration forms are available here:
PDF format
Word format

We need to know how we can find you. Send us your email address, cell phone number, mailing address - whatever is the best way to reach you. And help us find your friends!

For those of you who don't plan on going to the event, or don't want anything to do with the class of '80, read this: We understand. High school was a long time ago, and it wasn't equally easy for everybody. But like it or not, it is a social network that you are a part of, even if you moved or didn't graduate. We've known of people who didn't want to come because they felt like reunions we're too focused on WHAT people were doing. Well, one thing we the committee have seen is that after 30 years, it is HOW you are doing that counts. So even if you don't go to the main event, this is the year to get back in touch!

The Main Event

Date: July 24 is a lock. The Clarion (formerly Best Western, across the street from Webers) in Ann Arbor. This is art fair weekend, and we all know what that means - reserve hotel early, or plan on sleeping in the diag. Eric Jensen has reserved blocks of rooms at the Clarion and at Webers. His email address is on this page.

Your Reunion Committee

Eric Jensen, George Helmke, Sue Haddad Hatton, Liz Olds, Kathryn Rouse Masinick, Cynthia Barton-Spencer, Ginger Kelley Yost, and Michael Theros

80 30 10 Radio Show

Make sure your speakers work with this dazzling little test:

80 30 10 Alumni System Test
80 30 10 Radio Show Promo

Upcoming LIVE radio event - as soon as I (George) get decent audio on TalkShoe!